Thursday, January 14, 2010

The big eventttttt!

Since making the appointment for chemotherapy my thoughts have been on the event- I went for my first chemo treatment today with Alimta and Caroplatin. It took a couple of hours by infusion. I also had a vitamin B12 injection and some anti nausea drugs given to me. It all went well.

Before the treatment I had another meeting with the oncologist to ask him some questions that I wanted to know. What would be a possible prognosis if I had no chemo after seeing the rate of growth from the last ct scans - his reply - not longer than 12 months. Could the chemo shorten the prognosis if it didn't work - no. It doesn't increase the rate the cancer grows. We talked a bit about pain relief and the effects of these drugs. I needed to ask about driving - shouldn't be driving on my pain relief drugs - hate to give up any of my independence.....

The next week to two weeks will show how the drugs have affected my - my plan is to go on as usual and not sit waiting for it to happen...hope this plan works.

I went to see my grandchildren this morning and the sweetest thing was when I asked Sarah to ask Heavenly Father to help the medicine I was getting to work when she said her prayers at night, she replied "Can't we say a big prayer now". "Yes" I said and she proceeded to lead us in a short and simple prayer asking for just that. Thank you Sarah.

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